Homework and Test: Grade 2: f, ff, ph
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Resource Description
These homework sheets form part of a structured, systematic phonics approach to reading and spelling of words and sentences. Repetition forms part of the process to help train the brain in acquiring decoding and encoding skills.
As learners become comfortable with the process of completing the activities during the week, homework will be completed in a shorter period of time, while acquiring the skills needed.
It is important that they also read a book or a few pages of a book each day.
The grade 2 pack can also be used for grade 3 learners who have learning difficulties and the grade 3 pack can be used as extension work for grade 2 learners as it contains multi-syllabic words that offers application of sound knowledge and skills on an exciting level.
The pack includes the following:
5 activities for the week
Spelling test and answer sheet
Classroom flashcards
Copyright applies. Gallery images are just a sample of the activities and not applicable to the homework pack words and sentences.