Guided Reading Lesson Plan & Activities for Grade 10
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Resource Description
Guided reading is not a novel approach in the realm of education. It has existed for a long time and has been extensively studied.
Fountas and Pinnell (1996) demonstrated that guided reading effectively enhances students’ reading skills. This occurs by offering a well-organized and encouraging educational setting in which learners can develop their reading abilities under the supervision of an instructor.
The aim of guided reading is to assist students in cultivating essential reading skills including decoding, fluency, segmenting, and understanding. These abilities can thrive through small group teaching, support, and feedback from educators.
Guided reading enables teachers to address the individual requirements of every student according to their grade level. You will be more equipped to offer each student the specific assistance they require to enhance their reading abilities.
This ebook includes an elaborate guided reading lesson plan for your 10th-grade students. Activities and suggested answers are also included.