Grade 4 Mathematics – Formal assessment task 2, Test, Term 1
Resource Description
Grade 4
Formal assessment task 2, Test
Term 1
This assessment is out of 40 and it includes the memo. It is according to the Cognitive levels.
It includes the following:
Whole numbers
Number range for counting, ordering, comparing and representing, and place value of digits.
Count forwards and backwards.
Order, compare and represent numbers to at least 4-digit numbers.
Represent odd and even numbers.
Recognise the place value of digits in whole numbers.
Round off to the nearest 10, 100 and 1 000.
Number range for calculations
Addition and subtraction of whole of at least 4 digits
Calculation techniques
Use a range of techniques to perform and check written and mental calculations with whole numbers including;
‒ estimation
‒ building up and breaking down numbers
‒ rounding off and compensating
‒ using a number line
‒ using addition and subtraction as inverse operations.
Solving problems
Solve problems in contexts involving whole numbers, including
‒ financial contexts
‒ measurement contexts
Properties of whole numbers
– Recognize and use the commutative; associative and distributive properties of operations with whole numbers.
– 0 in terms of its additive property
Number sentences
Write number sentences to describe problem solving.
Solve and complete number sentences by:
Trial and improvement
Including a memo.