Grade 12 Economics Summaries Term 1-4 (Micro-economics) – Noted Summaries
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Resource Description
Grade 12 Economics Term 1 – 4 (Micro-economics) Summaries are composed using and combining the FOCUS, Via Afrika and Mind the Gap textbooks’ work with examples and supplementary notes by compiler (external party).
- Basic Economic consents & principles
- Markets
- Perfect Competition [Perfect Competition]
- Monopoly
- Monopolistic Competition
- Oligopoly
- Competition Policies
- Cost Concepts
- Income Claculations
- Maximisation of Profit
- Demand Curve
- Supply Curve
- Complementary Goods
- Supplementary Goods
- Absolute Pricing
- Relative Pricing
- Market Equilibrium [Market-clearing]
- Elasticity
- Inflation
- Tourism
- Indigenous Knowledge System [IKS]
- Environmental degradation (Decay)