Grade 12 CAPS – Meiosis Importance & Abnormalities
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Resource Description
Detailed slide shows with notes and visuals on the grade 12 CAPS curriculum for the importance of meiosis and what consequences abnormal meiosis can have.
Consists of:
* 23 slide presentation in full colour containing all information required by CAPS ATP (2021 – 2023)
* PDF and PP printer-friendly versions to use for student handouts
Detailed explanation of content:
- Importance of Meiosis
- Abnormal meiosis
- Non-disjunction and its consequences
- Non-disjunction of chromosomes at position 21 during Anaphase in humans to form abnormal gametes with an extra copy of chromosome 21
- The fusion between an abnormal gamete (24 chromosomes) and a normal gamete (23 chromosomes) may lead to Down Syndrome