Graad 4 Lang Deling ATP JOP KABV
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Resource Description
These activities are aligned with 2023 ATP and CAPS for Grade 4 & 5 Mathematics.
Please note: We have another product for division. It is important that those methods are also discussed in class to build the correct groundworks for future mathematics.
- 5 Lessons designed to be spread over 5 days
- Lesson 1: Division without a remainder
- Lesson 2: Division without a remainder
- Lesson 3: Division with a remainder
- Lesson 4: Long Division
- Lesson 5: Long Division
- 15 pages per language
This product is created by Juffrou Watson and may not be resold or distributed. You are welcome to refer interested parties to our website. Kindly respect the time and effort that went into this product. Thank you for understanding.