
Juffrouify’s Terms and Conditions I hope you find the teaching resources to be a useful addition to your educational toolbox and that they can help ease the workload. If you find errors of any kind in any of my teaching resources. I would be grateful if you could send me an email to let me know. I will correct the error right away and upload an updated version for you to re-download. By purchasing Juffrouify’s teaching resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Juffrouify and licensed to you only for classroom/personal use as a single/individual/user. You May: - Use teaching resources (free or purchased) for your own classroom, students, or personal use. - You are entitled to any updates/corrections/revisions I make, and you can download the most recent copy at any time. - Reference your use of Juffrouify’s teaching resources in blog posts, seminars, staff meetings, workshops, and other such venues if you give credit to Juffrouify and provide a link back to my product in your post or presentation. You May Not: - Claim the teaching resources as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove or attempt to remove the copyright/watermarks. - Sell any of the teaching resources or any parts or combinations of them or post them for sale anywhere. - Share electronic versions or hard copies of the teaching resources with others. This is a violation of the Terms and Conditions as well as a violation of copyright law. - Obtain this product through any method other than purchase from Juffrouify.

Resource Description

Hierdie dokument is ‘n formele asesseringstaak vir hardoplees.

Die leerders kies ‘n teksgedeelte uit hulle gunstelling boek vir voorlees.

Die dokument is in ‘Word’ so dit is makliker om dit aan te pas volgens u eie noodsaaklikhede.

Die dokument sluit ‘n voorblad, instruksies en rubriek in vir hardoplees.

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Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.