Gr. 8 Term 3 – History Scramble for Africa – PDF Summary and Powerpoint
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Resource Description
Gr. 8 History – Term 3: THE SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA: Late 19th century
With summaries in PDF and Powerpoint.
This product contains Gr. 8 History Term 3 summaries, in Powerpoint with beautiful informative illustrations plus additional PDF summary to print. The slideshows are interesting and is aligned to the curriculum.
Illustrative pictures are included for learners to better understand concepts, plus the logically laid out summaries helps in exam preparation. This product has also shown good results for learners with ADHD, Autism or other learning challenges.
Topics included in summaries:
UNIT 3.1: European Colonization of Africa in the Late 19th Century
· The Race for Colonies in Africa
· Berlin Conference of 1884
· The Berlin Conference Leads to World War
· Causes of Colonization
· Consequences in Africa of Colonization
UNIT 3.2: Case Study: The Ashanti Kingdom
· King Tutu
· The Ashanti Wars against the British
· Dr. Kwame Nkrumah – Ghana
What is included?
· 57 page Powerpoint slideshow (.pptx document) for presentations
· 14 page PDF Summary to print out for learners
Note: The demarcations for tests/exams vary per schools, the slideshow can be adjusted accordingly. The material in the Powerpoint was supplemented with examples to clearly illustrate the important concepts. If you want to shorten the Powerpoint, those pages can just be removed.
Terms and Conditions
This product may not be resold or redistributed.
Teachers: The Powerpoint is for presentation in classrooms only. The PDF may be printed and provided to learners in your classroom, If you would like to recommend home study using the Powerpoint for your students, please direct a request to parents to purchase this product.
One product per household for all children in your own household.
Note: All images used are copyright of Network Plus and may not be reused for other products, but may be used for own summaries and tasks.
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