Form 1 End of Term English Exam
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Resource Description
The Form 1 end of term 2 English comprehensively covers term 1 and 2 syllabi. Therefore, it will help the students cover the syllabus and revise for the term 2 exams. A complete marking scheme is also included with this resource.
WEGO PUBLISHERS LIMITED invites you to an online Education Resource Center. As an innovative leader in online education, we have a variety of resource materials for revision for all levels of education in Kenya. We are determined to help students achieve a higher level of success. Teachers will find these online resources helpful in preparing candidates for national examinations. Schools across the country are overcoming challenges and building a brighter future with our assessment solutions. Our experts in basic and applied research about innovations in testing and measurement to real-world measurement challenges produce useful information for schools.
These are KCSE model trial examinations prepared by teachers from the top performing schools in Kenya. They are prepared for purposes of predicting topical areas likely to be tested in KCSE examinations. In doing this we hope to make students realize that KCSE questions are set right from Form 1 to Form 4 syllabus. Therefore, this is a powerful tool for teachers would wish to use topical revision questions to prepare their candidates for KCSE Examinations.