
Resource Description

An occupational therapist developed the Figure-Ground Perception Activity program to support visual perceptual development. This resource focuses on Figure-Ground Perception and includes information about perceptual development, various games, activities, and worksheets.

Figure-ground perception is the ability to see an object in a busy background. This skill allows us to distinguish, segregate, isolate or find things or stimuli in varying environments. Correctly processing our visual figure-ground helps to organize the information we see in our environment. This can include faces, figures, objects, landscapes, and letters or numbers.

This program is lots of fun and includes various activities to stimulate and support visual perceptual development for children between the ages of 4 years to 7 years. Easier and more difficult worksheets are included. It can also be used with older children with learning or developmental delays and special needs.

This resource is not language-specific and can be used for Afrikaans and English learners.

This resource includes:

Visual perception information, guidelines, and instructions for use.
Visual perceptual game games (print and laminate)
Various Activity worksheets for consolidation.
Games and worksheets can also be used to consolidate sorting, categorization, form constancy skills, auditory perception and listening skills, fine motor skills.
Suitable for ages 4 years and older.

59 printable pages (PDF) 

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