
Resource Description

This animated, PowerPoint (17 slides) is a great tool to show your learners exactly how and where to use the colon accurately

This PowerPoint Presentation contains rules with examples and practice sentences. It also includes Language Practice exercises with an animated memorandum. These activities have also been converted into a printable, convenient worksheet (animated memo is available on the PowerPoint).

This PowerPoint highlights the most common ways the colon is used and clarifies when to use them by providing the rules and examples.

Main functions of a colon:

It introduces a list.
Used to separate two independent clauses, when the second explains or illustrates the first.
To introduce a quotation.
A colon is used to separate the character’s name from his/her words in a playscript.
A colon is used to emphasize a single word or phrase (at the end or the beginning of the sentence).

Also see Mrs Morgie’s resource on the use of the semicolon

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