English FAL Examination Preparation
Resource Description
Comprehension and Visual Literacy: Read a story and a comic-snippet to answer questions that really test your understanding.
Personification – understand, identify, find and write.
Metaphors – understand, identify, find and write.
Similes – understand, identify, find and write.
Idioms – know all the idioms in your workbook, as well as what they mean.
Summarise parts of a story. Be able to summarise parts of a story by highlighting the main points and rewriting them in your own words.
Noun types and Adjectives – understand, find, identify and write
Verbs and Adverb types – understand, identify, find and write.
Compound Nouns – understand, identify, find and write.
Synonyms and Antonyms – understand, think of your own and write.
Direct and Indirect Speech – know the rules on how to change a direct sentence into an indirect sentence, and vice versa.
Syllables – Understand the rules of dividing words into syllables and be able to do so in the exam.
Acronyms and Abbreviations – understand, identify, find and write.