Ems – Bartering game
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
- seventh-grade students can be a fun and educational way to teach them about negotiation, value assessment, and basic economic principles.
The objective of the game is to encourage students to understand the concept of bartering, negotiate effectively, and assess the value of goods in a simulated marketplace
Goods and Services Cards: Create cards representing different goods and services that students can offer in the barter. For example, cards could include items like pencils, notebooks, erasers, or services like helping with homework, cleaning the classroom, etc.
Value Assessment Sheets: Provide a simple sheet where students can jot down their perceived value of each item or service.
Trading Space: Designate an area in the classroom as the trading space, where students can physically meet and negotiate.