
You may: 1. Purchase items for your own classroom, students or own personal use. 2. Reference this product in blog posts, at seminars, professional development, workshops, or other such venues, only if both credit is given to myself as the author and a link back to my Teacha store is included in the presentation. You may not: 1. Claim this work as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove copyright of watermarks. 2. Sell the files or combine them into another unit for sale or free. 3. Post any of my documents on the internet. 4. Make any copies of any purchased items to share with others either digitally of in print. (NB!!)

Resource Description

Daar is ‘n uiteensetting van al die tipes vrae wat gevra kan word asook die hoeveelheid van elke tipe vraag word gegee.  Daar is ook ‘n verskeidenheid werkkaarte om hierdie vrae in te oefen.  ‘n Volledig uitgewerkte nasienriglyn vir die onderwyser om te gebruik is bygevoeg.  Die vrae wissel ook in moeilikheidsgraad volgens die Barrett skaal.

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