
Resource Description

Many millions of years ago,  dinosaurs ruled the Earth and sea dragons were not mere creations of Hollywood movies, but fearsome predators that controlled and dominated the oceans. These creatures belong to a world that disappeared a long time ago, but nevertheless continues to excite those trying to understand the origin of life on our planet.

Dinosaurs are a fascinating puzzle of prehistory, having evolved and disappeared millions of years ago. With their impressive variety of sizes and shapes, from the tiny Velociraptor to the imposing  Tyrannosaurus Ρex, dinosaurs are a source of wonder and mystery for scientists and researchers. Telling their story opens windows into an ancient world rich with discoveries and helps us imagine what Earth was like when these amazing creatures dominated nature.

Dinosaurs are linked to human curiosity, offering a journey into the past and an unexplored opportunity to learn more about the world that existed millions of years ago. This ebook includes information about the ten most well-known ones, followed by questions.

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