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Resource Description

Hierdie les is om kinders se kennis van lyste woorde uit te brei (Die liggaam). Ingesluit is ‘n speletjie wat dit soveel makliker maak en almal neem deel. Die hulpbron kan met enige ouderdom gebruik word van primêre tot hoërskool. Die leer proses word fasiliteer deur speel en hulle besef nie eens dat hulle eintlik leer terwyl hulle speel nie. Die meerderheid van leerlinge (in my ervaring) is verbaas teen die einde van die les, met hoeveel hulle woorde kan onthou in Afrikaans.

{{{If you are an Additional Language Teacher then this resource is just the thing to help (especially reluctant) learners build up their word skills. They acquire the necessary word lists through fun and games and often do not even realise that they’re learning new material or that their newly acquired word list is being etched into memory. In English I have often used this to extend vocabulary and they Love playing this game I called ‘Splat Attack’. Two pupils come up to the board and they have to compete for a point. They do not especially have to be intelligent (although it does give them an edge) for this game, its only if you are really fast. As a result, more pupils than would otherwise be engaged, are NOW engaged. IE The ones who struggle to achieve as well as the top learners. This is the game to draw them all in and are they drawn in… Try this and see your class transform from a bunch of suitably engaged learners (while some are slumped or yawning or have a glazed look in their eye) and see them go from that, to a bunch of engaged, enthusiastic learners who all want to compete against (what will soon show up some reigning champions…) and they all take part. Even if they’re not up at the board (splatting away) they love to see ‘who will win’. Sure its competitive, but not in a destructive way. It draws pupils in who generally ‘fade away’ into the lesson. Try it and see.}}}

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