Creative Writing ‘Pom Pom And The Naughty Dog’ (6-9 years)
The Pom Pom series offers a fun approach to creative writing for younger children (who have obtained some degree of reading fluency). Our books showcase two delightful dog characters, Pom Pom and her new friend, the Naughty Dog. In a series of four short books, our young readers enter their dog world and meet their people and their homes. They embark on a series of doggy adventures, empathising with the dogs.
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Resource Description
The Pom Pom series offers a fun approach to creative writing for younger children (who have obtained some degree of reading fluency). Our books showcase two delightful dog characters, Pom Pom and her new friend, the Naughty Dog. In a series of four short books, our young readers enter their dog world and meet their people and their homes. They embark on a series of doggy adventures, empathising with the dogs.
The books encourage the children to build on the stories by completing lots of fun writing activities and word games, including word searches and mazes. They are encouraged to search for answers to clues and complete stories by adding their own ideas. The Pom Pom series are not activity books, but they are educational material that stimulate children’s imagination and provide a light hearted approach to writing. They are supplementary writing activities which can be done to gain confidence in writing at any time in any place. These books are designed to be flexible. If your child is too young, or unable to fill it in themselves, why not discuss the answers and fill it in together.
The books will help a child learn quite a lot about caring for dogs, if they do not already know. As well as this, the books explore feelings and emotions in our pets, such as anxiety separation.
119 pages