Choice Board Bundle
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
We are always so proud of our learners when they complete their work in the allotted time and applaud them for their efforts. However, there are times when they are a bit too quick, or we (the teachers), make the activity a bit too short (mistakes happen, we are humans after all) and everyone is struggling with what to do next, we rush around trying to find something to keep them busy until the next task – nightmare!
Why not put up a choice board in your class? A visible poster for your learners to read and choose what they would like to do next! This one allows for drawing, reading and writing activities. It also saves you a bit of time and keeps the kiddos busy.
This choice board comes in 3 different styles; boho pink, colourful and black and white. Take the bundle to match your ever changing classroom themes! Miss Walker