Assessment File for Teachers
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
The assessment file is 126 pages and it includes:
- to use to screen for visual and hearing problems,
- to use for writing and reading problems,
- when to refer for Occupational Therapy,
- when to refer for Speech and Auditory Therapy,
- for ADHD,
- for gross or fine motor differences,
- for sensory integration differences.
- for reading development
Learning Styles Assessment
Perceptual Tests
Reading Tests (Standardized and Diagnostic)
Maths Tests (Standardized and Diagnostic)
Some of the tests can be used to assess the whole class, which is especially useful at the beginning and at the end of an academic year, or individual students.