Written assessments for English grade 1 term 2


Listening and speaking
Listens to a story and identifies the main idea.
Listens to a story and sequences the pictures.

Answers questions based on a text

Identifies the letter/sound relationship.
Groups common words into sound families.

Writes at least 20 lower case letters.
Forms frequently used capital letters.
Writes words and sentences with correct spacing.

Creative Writing
Draws a picture to convey a message and writes a sentence.
Able to write sentence from phonics words learnt.
Writes 1 sentence of own news


Resource Description

Written assessments for English grade 1 term 2


Listening and speaking
Listens to a story and identifies the main idea.
Listens to a story and sequences the pictures.

Answers questions based on a text

Identifies the letter/sound relationship.
Groups common words into sound families.

Writes at least 20 lower case letters.
Forms frequently used capital letters.
Writes words and sentences with correct spacing.

Creative Writing
Draws a picture to convey a message and writes a sentence.
Able to write sentence from phonics words learnt.
Writes 1 sentence of own news

Resource Reviews

Store reviews: ( 16 ratings )

I found that the Assessment does not quite match up with the new SBA rubrics. Sequencing is not required this term in listening & speaking but rather describe an object using physical attributes and answering questions. I am disappointed that the actual story is not included. I really liked the questions and pictures. Handwriting is great I just removed the letter q (not most common used letter) I would rather include i, l, o and not x and z. PHONICS: Match the initial sound with picture. Write words with at, et, it, ot, ut, ag, ig, etc. not included. Is it possible to also send the documents in a format that can be edited? Thank you.

Lyn Schlosz - September 16, 2022

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