
This product is for personal use only. NOT to be shared with others. Terms of use You may: *Make copies for your own class. *Please refer your teacher friends/moms in need to my website. You may not: *Claim this as your own work. *Sell or make a profit from this resource as a soft- or a hard copy. *Distribute this, whether paid or downloaded for free, on any website or social media platform. *Use this resource or part of it for any commercial use. *Share this resource on any platform, this includes but is not limited to email, WhatsApp, etc. Please make sure that you purchase the correct resource as there are no refunds or exchanges. Thank you for your purchase and support. Learning Is Fun!

Resource Description

Afrikaans | Letter Herkenning | Letter Identifisering

– Letter Herkenning Werkboek | Letter Identifisering Werkboek
– 26 Bladsye

– Download
– Print (A3/A4)
– Laminate
– Cut-Out

This product is for personal use only. NOT to be shared with others.
*** similar products available in my store on the Teacha Shop, under jeanny-designs
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