
Thank you for your interest in my products and my store! Dazzling Danziez resources take many creative hours to design. By purchasing a resource, you are agreeing that the contents are the property of Dazzling Danziez and licensed to you only for classroom / personal use as a single user. I retain the copyright, and reserve all rights to this product. You may: 1. Use free and purchased items for your own classroom students, or your own personal use. 2. Reference this product in blog posts, at seminars, professional development, workshops, or other such venues, ONLY if both credit is given to myself as the author, and a link back to my TpT store is included in the presentation. You may not: 1. Claim this work as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove copyright / watermarks. 2. Sell the files or combine them into another unit for sale / free. 3. Post this document for sale / free elsewhere on the internet (this includes Google Doc links on blogs). 4. Making copies of purchased items to share with others is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the TOU. Thank you for abiding by universally accepted codes of professional ethics while using this product. If you encounter an issue with your file, notice an error, or are in any way experiencing a problem, please contact me and I will be more than happy to help sort it out.

Resource Description

Vier Aardedag op ‘n opwindende manier!

Hierdie produk bevat 11 werkvelle perfek vir Graad R tot Graad 3.

Aktiwiteite sluit in:

1. Aardedag inkleur prent (kan as voorblad vir ‘n boekie gebruik word)

2. Aardedag rympie

3. Soek die Woord

4. Inligting oor Bome

5. ‘n Wortel Wandel – Doolhof (Maze)

6. Kreatiewe Storie Skryf (Hoekom moet ons herwin?)

7. Kreatiewe Storie Skryf (Ek plant ‘n plantjie)

8. Natuur Wandel – kontrolelys

9. Kreatiewe Storie Skryf (Hoe kan ek die aarde beskerm?)

10. Kleur die Antwoord (Sluit plus, minus en maal in)

11. Sorteer die Rommel (Sny en Plak aktiwiteit)

4 Van die aktiwiteite is al reeds as ‘n boekie saamgestel (A5), maar is ook beskikbaar in A4 grootte.

Dankie vir U ondersteuning! Terugvoer sal grootliks waardeer word en help my om te verbeter.

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Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.