A4 Afrikaans en Engles Plaas Diere Plaakat – A4 Afrikaans and English Farm Animals Posters
A4 Flashcards in English and Afrikaans of 10 common farm animals.
Each poster has the English and Afrikaans animal name and a picture of each animal.
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
Hierdie plakkate bevat 10 algemene plaasdiere. Elke plakkaat het ‘n foto, Afrikaanse en Engelse woord.
These Posters include 10 common farm animals. Each poster has a picture, Afrikaans and English word.
Diere sluit in / Animals include:
hond – dog
Kat – cat
koei – cow
hoender – chicken
eend- duck
vark – pig
perd – horse
donkie – donkey
bok – goat
skaap – sheep