Star Seller: Netwerk Plus

Star Seller: Netwerk Plus. Netwerk Plus’ visual teaching resources encourage interactive lessons so your students stay engaged. Their resources also benefit students who process information visually or have barriers to learning. You’ll find tons of ready-to-use PowerPoint slides and PDF summaries in this collection. Check out their store here for more resources.

Grade 4 History: Full year Summaries booklet - PDF printable study guide for tests & exams
Looking for a useful resource to help your learners or child prepare for Grade 4 History tests and exams?
This 45-page printable summary booklet includes all four terms of study, is well-organized, easy to understand, and visually appealing. This will assist children in studying for tests or exams without being overwhelmed.
Product details:
- Can be printed as a whole, by term, or as individual pages. The booklet is also printer compatible, so no wasted ink!
- On average, one theme is examined per page.
- Each term is around ten pages long.
- 45-page printable PDF
- Mainly summarized from Platinum learner book, but additional books were also utilised in preparation.
- CAPS aligned
The booklet content is specified at the bottom.
Please note that this product does not include a PowerPoint presentation.Terms of use:
Personal use:
If you have purchased this product for your household, you may use it for more than one child in your household for an unlimited time. You may however not print or send electronically to any friends or family members.
Copyright: School use:
The copyright holder gives the printing right of use as follows to schools:
This PDF Summary may be printed and distributed to a maximum of 40 learners. Please purchase additional licenses for more learners.
Grade 4 History (CAPS) Content
1.1: How we find out about the present in a local area
1.2: History of a Local Area
2.1: What makes a good leader?
2.2: Nelson Mandela: A good leader
2.3 Mahatma Gandhi
Introduction to Transport
3.1 Transport on land: Animals
3.2 Transport on land: The wheel and the cart
3.3 Transport on land: Wagons and Coaches
3.4 Transport on land: Bicycles
3.4 Transport on land: Steam Engine and Train
3.6 Transport on land: The motor car
3.7 Modern Transport:
3.8 Transport on Water: Boats and Ships & The Titanic
3.9 Transport in the Air
Introduction: What is Communication?
4.1: The San & the oldest forms of communication
4.2 The Postal System
4.3 The Radio
4.4: The first Typewriter
4.5: The Telegraph
4.6: The Telephone
4.7: The Camera
4.8: The Television
4.9: The Computer, Internet, and Cell phone
Thank you for your interest in my products! Venita Oberholster

Grade 5 Geography Term 3 - Powerpoint slides and PDF Summary in English
Gr.5 Geography Term 3 summary with beautiful visual illustrations. (in line with content of Plantinum Social Science Learner guide) Powerpoint (50 pages) and PDF (10 pages) included in this product. Topics: Weather, Climate and Vegetation -The Weather - Rainfall - Climate - Natural Vegetation Suitable for class presentations and exam preparation. You are welcome to distribute in your own classroom for exam preparation, or to other children in your household. (1 license for 1 teacher's classroom, no time limit. Or 1 license per 1 household, no time limit) The product may however not be redistributed to other classrooms, or learners outside of your classroom. If you bought this product for your household, you may use for all children in your household, but not redistribute to anyone else. You are however welcome to refer this product with a link to this product page. (In fact, that would be much appreciated!) Thank you, and I hope you find the product enjoyable and useful. Venita Oberholster Netwerk Plus THIS PRODUCT IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN AFRIKAANS. GR.5 HISTORY - TERM 3 ALSO AVAILABLE.

Gr. 5 Geography Bundle pack Term 1-4 Powerpoint & PDF summaries
SAVE 30% with this bundle pack of Gr.5 Geography Terms 1-4 summaries with beautiful educational illustrations. (Normally R180.00 for the full 4 terms.) Content in line with the content of Platinum Social Science Learner and Teacher guides. Suitable for use in class, or for test/exam preparation. Kids love studying for exams with the fun and colorful illustrations of these slideshows and summaries! Teachers find the presentations an especially valuable resource in classrooms. Included (Pptx and PDF for each): TERM 1: Map Skills TERM 2: Physical Features of South Africa TERM 3: Weather, Climate and Vegetation in South Africa TERM 4: Minerals and Mining in South Africa WHAT WILL I RECEIVE? A total of 205 pages of Powerpoint summaries, and 45 pages of PDF printable summaries for all 4 terms. (Please see an outline of CAPS content included at the bottom of this page.) The PDF Summaries are suitable for printing for learners for 1 classroom, or all learners in the family. (Printer friendly) Note: The requirements for tests / exams vary by school, the slideshow can be adjusted accordingly. ALLOWABLE USE: This product may be used: – By 1 teacher in 1 classroom. The PDF summaries may be printed for learners of 1 classroom. - The Powerpoints may not be distributed to learners or other classrooms. – In households: All children in 1 household may use the product. – No part of this product may be resold. – No illustrations may be used for commercial purposes. Thank you for your interest and please contact me if you have any queries. Venita Oberholster NS: HIERDIE STEL IS OOK BESKIKBAAR IN AFRIKAANS FULL OUTLINE OF GRADE 5 GEOGRAPHY CAPS CONTENT INCLUDED: TERM 1: Map Skills Unit 1.1: World Map & Compass Directions Unit 1.2: Africa, our Continent Unit 1.3: Physical map of Africa Unit 1.4: Images of Africa TERM 2: Physical Features of South Africa Unit 2.1: South Africa from above (physical map) Unit 2.2: Physical Features Unit 2.3: Rivers Unit 2.4: Physical Features & Human activities TERM 3: Weather, Climate and Vegetation in South Africa Unit 3.1 The Weather Unit 3.2 Rainfall Unit 3.3 Climate Unit 3.4 Natural Vegetation TERM 4: Minerals and Mining in South Africa UNIT 4.1: Mineral & coal resources of South Africa UNIT 4. 2: Mining and the Environment UNIT 4. 3: Mining and People

Gr. 5 Natural Science Full Term 4 Summaries: Planet Earth, Space, Systems & Control Powerpoint & PDF
Grade 5 Natural Science Full Term 4 summaries: PLANET EARTH, SPACE, SYSTEMS & CONTROL Powerpoint & PDF
This product contains Gr.5 Natural Science and Technology full Quarter 4 summaries in Powerpoint with beautiful, instructive illustrations and additional PDF summary to print. The slideshows are interesting, colourful and follow the curriculum. These summaries are based on the Platinum textbook. Other textbooks are also used for optimal coverage of important topics. (CAPS Curriculum)
This product is perfect for classroom presentations, tests and exam preparation. (Home study included)
Topics included in summaries:
- UNIT 4.1: Planet Earth
- UNIT 4.2: The Surface of the Earth
- UNIT 4.3: Sedimentary Rock
- UNIT 4.4: Fossils
What is included? 85-page Powerpoint slideshow (.pptx document) for presentations or studying.
17-page PDF Summary to print out for learners for test or exam preparation.
Note: The demarcations for tests/examinations differ per school. The slideshow can be adjusted accordingly.
No part of this product can be resold.
Teachers: The Powerpoint is for presentation only in classrooms. You may print PDFs for learners in your classroom or to forward them to them electronically. Please request parents to purchase this product if you would like to recommend home study with the Powerpoint for your students.
Private use: One product per household for all children in your household.
Note: All images used are the copyright of Network Plus and may not be reused for other products.
Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy the product and find it valuable.
Venita Oberholster
Netwerk Plus
This product is also available in Afrikaans

Graad 4 Geskiedenis Kwartaal 4 - Kommunikasie PPT & PDF opsommings
Gr. 4 Geskiedenis_Kwartaal 4_Kommunikasie oor die Eeue heen_opsomming met pragtige leersame illustrasies. Geskik vir klaskamer of tuisgebruik. Maak leer vir kinders interessant en visueel. Gratisl werkskaart ingesluit. ONDERWERPE: WAT IS KOMMUNIKASIE? EENHEID 4.1: DIE SAN EN DIE OUDSTE VORMS VAN MENSLIKE KOMMUNIKASIE EENHEID 4.2: DIE POSSTELSEL EENHEID 4.3: DIE RADIO EENHEID 4.4: DIE EERSTE TIKMASJIEN EENHEID 4.5: DIE TELEGRAAF EENHEID 4.6: DIE TELEFOON EENHEID 4.7: DIE KAMERA EENHEID 4.8: DIE TELEVISIE EENHEID 4.9: DIE REKENAAR, INTERNET EN SELFOON Geskik vir behandeling in klastyd, of vir eksamenvoorbereiding. Sluit in: 33 bl Powerpoint skyfievertoning (.pptx dokument) 10 bl PDF Opsomming om uit te druk vir leerders Let wel: Die afbakenings vir toetse/eksamens verskil per skole, die skyfievertoning kan daarvolgens aangepas word. Lisensie: Vir gebruik in 1 klaskamer, of 1 huishouding. Hierdie produk mag nie herverkoop word nie. U kan dit wel aan u studente in u klaskamer verskaf, of aan meer as een leerder in u huishouding.

Graad 4 Geografie Kwartaal 3 - Powerpoint en PDF opsommings
Gr.4 Geografie Kwartaal 3 opsomming met pragtige leersame illustrasies. (Volgens Platinum handboek) Onderwerpe: VOEDSEL EN BOERDERY IN SUID-AFRIKA 3.1 Mense en kos 3.2 Maniere van Boer 3.3 Saaiboerdery 3.4 Veeboerdery 3.5 Ligging van vernaamste saai en veeboerdery-gebiede in Suid-Afrika 3.6 Onverwerkte en Verwerkte Kos 3.7 Van plaas na fabriek na winkel tot by die huis: Koringlande tot brood tot toebroodjie Geskik vir behandeling in klastyd, of vir eksamenvoorbereiding. Sluit in: 32 bl Powerpoint skyfievertoning 10 bl PDF Opsomming om uit te druk vir leerders Let wel: Die afbakenings vir toetse/eksamens verskil per skole, die skyfievertoning kan daarvolgens aangepas word. Hierdie produk mag nie herverkoop word nie.

Graad 5 Natuurwetenskap Kwartaal 4 opsommings: Die Aarde en Ruimte, Stelsels & Beheer - PPT & PDF
Volle Graad 5 Natuurwetenskap Kwartaal 4 opsommings: PLANEET AARDE, RUIMTE, STELSELS & BEHEER Powerpoint & PDF
Hierdie produk bevat Gr.5 Natuurwetenskap volledige Kwartaal 4 opsommings, in Powerpoint met pragtige leersame illustrasies en addisionele PDF opsomming om te druk. Die skyfievertonings is interessant en volg die kurrikulum. Verskeie leerderboeke gebruik vir optimale behandeling van inhoud, insluitend Platinum handboek.
Hierdie produk is perfek vir klasaanbieding, toets- en eksamenvoorbereiding. (Tuisstudie ingesluit)
Onderwerpe ingesluit in opsommings:
- EENHEID 4.1: Planeet Aarde
- EENHEID 4.2: Die oppervlak van die Aarde
- EENHEID 4.3: Sedimentgesteentes EENHEID 4.4: Fossiele
Wat is ingesluit? 82 bl Powerpoint skyfievertoning (.pptx dokument) vir aanbiedieng 17 bl PDF Opsomming om uit te druk vir leerders
Let wel: Die afbakenings vir toetse/eksamens verskil per skole, die skyfievertoning kan daarvolgens aangepas word.
Hierdie produk mag nie herverkoop word nie. Onderwysers: Die Powerpoint is slegs vir aanbieding in klaskamers. Die PDF mag u uitdruk en aan u leerders in u klaskamer verskaf, of elektronies aanstuur, Indien u tuisstudie wil aanbeveel met die Powerpoint vir u studente, rig asb. ‘n versoek aan ouers om hierdie produk aan te koop. Een produk per huishouding vir alle kinders in u eie huishouding.
Let wel: Alle prente gebruik is die kopiereg van Netwerk Plus en mag nie hergebruik word vir ander produkte nie, maar wel vir eie opsommings en take. Baie dankie, en ek hoop u geniet die produk en vind dit waardevol.
Venita Oberholster Netwerk Plus

Graad 8 Geskiedenis Bundel pak Kwartaal 1 - 4 opsommings in Powerpoint en PDF
SPAAR 30% met hierdie Bundel waardepak van Gr.8 Geskiedenis Kwartaal 1-4 opsommings. Perfek vir aanbieding in klas, hersiening, en eksamenvoorbereiding tuis. Elke kwartaal bevat die volgende vir elke kwartaal: – ‘n Powerpoint opsomming/aanbieding met pragtige leersame illustrasies. (258 bladsye in totaal vir Kwartaal 1-4) – Addisionele PDF opsommings om te druk vir leerders. (55 bladsye in totaal vir Kwartaal 1-4) Geskik vir behandeling in klastyd, of vir eksamenvoorbereiding. Sien details van onderwerpe ingesluit aan die onderkant van die beskrywing van die produk. Let wel: Die afbakenings vir toetse/eksamens verskil per skole, die skyfievertoning kan daarvolgens aangepas word. TOELAATBARE GEBRUIK: Hierdie produk mag gebruik word: – Deur 1 onderwyser in 1 klaskamer. Die PDF opsommings mag gedruk word vir leerders. – In huishoudings: Alle kinders in 1 huishouding mag die produk gebruik. Geen deel van hierdie produk mag herverkoop word nie. Geen illustrasies mag vir kommersiële doeleindes gebruik word nie. Let wel: Alle prente gebruik is die kopiereg van Netwerk Plus en mag nie hergebruik word vir ander produkte nie, maar wel vir eie opsommings en take. ONDERWERPE INGESLUIT IN KWARTAAL 1-4 OPSOMMINGS: KWARTAAL 1: DIE INDUSTRIëLE REWOLUSIE (59 bl. Powerpoint + 11 bl. PDF) Eenheid 1.1: Veranderinge in Brittanje tydens die Industriële Rewolusie Eenheid 1.2: Suidelike Afrika teen 1860 Eenheid 1.3: Ontginning van diamante in Kimberley vanaf 1867 KWARTAAL 2: DIE MINERALE REWOLUSIE (64 bl. Powerpoint + 12 bl. PDF) Eenheid 2.1: Brittanje, diamant-ontginning en toenemende arbeidsbeheer en grondekspansionisme Eenheid 2.2: Goudmynontginning op groot dieptes aan die Witwatersrand vanaf 1886 Eenheid 2.3: Die Minerale Rewolusie as ’n keerpunt in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis KWARTAAL 3: DIE STORMLOOP VIR AFRIKA (57 bl. Powerpoint + 14 bl. PDF) Eenheid 3.1: Europese kolonisasie van Afrika in die laat 19de eeu (Bv. Die wedloop vir kolonies in Afrika, Berlynkonferensie van 1884, Oorsake en gevolge van kolonisering) Eenheid 3.2: Gevallestudie: Die Ashanti-koninkryk (bv. Koning Tutu, Die Ashanti oorloë teen die Britte, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah – Ghana KWARTAAL 4: DIE EERSTE WêRELDOORLOG (78 bl. Powerpoint + 17 bl. PDF) Eenheid 4.1: Redes waarom die Eerste Wêreldoorlog uitgebreek het Eenheid 4.2: Aspekte van ervarings gedurende die Eerste Wêreldoorlog Eenheid 4.3: Veranderende rol van vroue in die werkplek in Brittanje tydens die 1ste Wêreldoorlog Eenheid 4.4: Die nederlaag van Duitsland en die Verdrag van Versailles Hierdie kwartale kan ook apart aangekoop word.