Nigerian curriculum resources

Set your students up for success and improve their mathematics and language skills with these ready-to-use teaching resources. This collection contains interactive resources, from worksheets and assessments to PowerPoints and games aligned to the Nigerian curriculum.
Yoruba Language Resources

Yorùbá Names of Some Birds and Insects
In the book, 'Yoruba Names of Some Birds and Insects', learners will learn how to say some the names of some birds and Insects in yòrùbá. The phonetical pronunciations of the words are on each page. This is a printable version that can be easily downloaded to be adapted into flashcards. The images are simple and easily recognised. The book is made for learners from age 5+ and can read.

This is an simple handbook that shows the yoruba pronunciations of body parts. This book is for every learner that ia able to read on their own or with guidance. The pages are colorful so that it'll be attractive to learners. The layout of this guidebook is made in a way that it can be downlaoded and used as flashcards. The pronunciations of each word carefully done in a way that anyone that can read will be able to use the book. Adult learners can also use this book. It can as well be used by tutors for classroom activities., or by guardians as a teaching guide.

A Simple Illustrated Yorùbá Conversational Series For Children: Book I
The book, A Simple Illustrated Series For Children, is a guidebook that helps to teach your children how to make descriptive conversations in Yoruba language. The book is in a series that goes from series I to IV. The Yòrùbá words are written in basic Conversational style which will make it easily. readable for the young reader. It is important for parents and puardians to join so as to help the reader out when necessary. It also improves bonding when you read out with your child. This is the first series, Book I. Watch out for the others: Book I: Ebi MI (My family) Book II: Ile Iwe MI (My school) Book III: Adugbo MI (My neighbourhood) Book IV: Ore MI (My Best Friend) Book V: Ti Ń Na D'agba (When I Grow Up.)

The 1 Day Yòrùbá Lesson
This is a book that teaches the Yòrùbá language. It is written in simplified yoruba so as to aid learning quickly. The 1 Day yoruba Lesson will help every aspiring learner of the language learn alphabet, sentences, pronunciations with the use of diatrics. It is useful for every age from 10.
Mathematics Resources

An excellent resource for Nursery school pupils. This document contains resources for Nursery classes. Subject: Number work Class: Nursery class Term: 3rd Term Great resources from different sources. The Nigeria-based curriculum is suitable for use in other countries around the world. It also contains lessons and class activity that enables children to understand the topics easily.

Numbers 1 to 10 Counting and writing practice pack
This resource is a digital download for recognition, counting and writing practice of numbers 1 to 10. This resource is suitable for children between ages of 3 to 6. It can be laminated after downloading for repeated use. it is useful for learning centers and homeschooling activities.

Editable PowerPoint for Montessori Mathematics
Editable PowerPoint for Montessori Mathematics Understanding Numbers 1-100, Colours, Shapes and more. This is a PowerPoint File and can be edited and designed to suit any class that has to do with Numbers and Shapes. It can also be converted into a workbook or learning binder.
English Resources

The Neighborhood Where I Live
This lesson aims to provide students with the opportunity to become familiar with their local neighbourhood and animate their writing skills by describing and reflecting upon their everyday experiences. This lesson plan is intended to be used with students between the ages of 4-12. It includes different sections, each of which is meant to help children better understand their neighbourhood and their place in it. The introduction gives a brief overview of what you will be doing in the lesson, why it's important, and how parents/teachers can help out with this activity. The neighbourhood where I live is a combination of old and new houses, with gardens and wide pavements. The streets are very clean, there are lots of shops and restaurants, but also some empty spaces. The house that I live in is on the second floor: there is a lift in it. I am the only family member who lives in this flat. I really like living here because it’s close to the university so I can easily go to lectures and to get some books from the library. Also, it’s not far from my friends’ flats or any public transport like trains or buses, so sometimes we visit each other by taking the bus or metro. One thing that is not so good about where I live though is that there are too many cars driving through our street and when they honk their horns it can be quite difficult to sleep! The Neighbourhood Where I Live” Lesson Plan is designed for children in Grades 1 and 2 to practice their language skills. It features a variety of activities that focus on developing language (both oral and written). Today, we're going to talk about the neighbourhood where you live. It's good to know your neighbours! What do you like about your neighbourhood? What don't you like? Why do you feel that way? What would you change if you could? Why? Do you know everyone in your neighbourhood? Who is your favourite neighbour, and why? The Neighbourhood Where I Live” Lesson Plan. This lesson plan was developed to talk about what you do in your neighborhood, and have students describe the neighbourhood where they live. N/B: The teachers can edit it and put their own names on the lesson plan

5 Preschool Activities For Grandparents Day
Are you a teacher, parent or guardian looking for fun ways to make Grandparent's Day more colourful and memorable? Do you want to learn how to plan an art, craft or create an activity for special holidays on a Children's Grandparent's day? You can use signed permission slips, You will be able to find new ways children can connect with lonely elderly ones, how they meet at the nursing homes and action scenes and also have the members of the society visit their classrooms. If your Preschool has a high level of parental involvement, you may have your preschoolers create family trees. While these don't have to be long and detailed, they can trace the immediate family and the grandparents. It can also be made creative, drawing a tree with branches that reach each family member! Then look no further because this guide will offer the solutions you need! Grade: 1-12 Term: Not applicable Subject: English Topic: Lesson Activities for Grandparents day Curriculum: CAPS

Excellent resource for Nursery school pupils. This document contains resource for Nursery classes. Subject: Letter work Class: Nursery class Term: 3rd Term Great resources from different sources. Guide for Montessori. Nigeria based curriculum suitable for use in other countries around the world. It also contains lessons and class activity that enables children understand the topics easily.

Moonlight, bedtime and Moral story book
A story book written in an illustrative and attractive manner using animal as the main character to captivate the mind of little readers and also teach moral. It includes activity book like coloring pages and spellings to improve readers' vocabulary. It can also serve as picture book for toddlers.

Tenses of Verb
The tense of a verb tells you when a person did something or when something existed or happened. In English, there are three main tenses: the present, the past, and the future. This note provides an in-depth understanding of the topic and is easily understood by students and teachers alike.