Intermediate Phase Natural Sciences and Technology

Natural Sciences and Technology is essential for promoting and developing scientific and technological literacy, and thinking skills. This collection of Intermediate Phase Natural Sciences and Technology resources includes posters, projects, worksheets, summaries, and assessments, all designed to engage your grades 4, 5, and 6 learners and enhance their understanding of key concepts. Whether you are a parent looking for ways to support your child’s learning at home, or a teacher seeking educational materials, these engaging resources will foster a love of learning about science and technology.
Looking for more? Find thousands of NST resources for the Intermediate Phase.
Grade 4

Graad 4 Natuurwetenskappe Volledige Kwartaal 1 opsommings in Powerpoint & PDF om uit te druk
Graad 4 Natuurwetenskappe Volledige Kwartaal 1 opsommings: LEWE EN LEWENDE TEGNOLOGIE: STRUKTURE Powerpoint &PDF
Hierdie produk bevat Gr.4 Natuurwetenskappe en Tegnologie volledige Kwartaal 1 opsommings in Powerpoint met pragtige, leersame illustrasies en bykomende PDF opsomming om te druk. Die skyfievertonings is interessant, kleurvol en volg die kurrikulum. Verskeie handboeke is gebruik vir optimale dekking van belangrike onderwerpe. (KABV-kurrikulum)
Hierdie produk is ideaal vir klaskameraanbiedings, toetse en eksamenvoorbereiding. (Tuisstudie ingesluit)
Onderwerpe ingesluit in opsommings:
EENHEID 1.1: Lewende Dinge
EENHEID 1.2: Nie-lewende dinge
EENHEID 1.3: Struktuur van plante
EENHEID 1.4: Struktuur van diere
EENHEID 1.5: Wat plante nodig het om te groei
EENHEID 1.6: Habitatte van diere: nodigheid vir habitat
EENHEID 1.7: Strukture vir diereskuilings
Wat is ingesluit? Powerpoint-skyfievertoning van 100 bladsye (.pptx dokument) vir aanbiedings of studie.
PDF-opsomming van 17 bladsye om vir leerders uit te druk vir toets- of eksamenvoorbereiding.
Let wel: Die afbakening van werk vir toetse/eksamens verskil per skool. Die skyfievertoning kan dienooreenkomstig aangepas word.
Geen deel van hierdie produk kan herverkoop word nie.
Onderwysers: Die Powerpoint is slegs vir aanbieding in klaskamers. Die PDF opsomming kan vir leerders in 1 klaskamer uitgedruk word of elektronies aan leerders deurgestuur word. Versoek asseblief ouers om hierdie produk te koop as u tuisstudie met die Powerpoint vir leerders wil aanbeveel.
Privaat gebruik: Een produk per huishouding vir alle kinders in u huishouding.
Let wel: Alle illustrasies wat gebruik word, is die kopiereg van Network Plus en mag nie vir ander produkte hergebruik word nie.
Baie dankie, en ek hoop u geniet die produk en vind dit waardevol.
Venita Oberholster
Netwerk Plus
This product is also available in English

Natural Sciences - Structure / Parts of a Plant posters
This resource consists of 2 A4 size posters. The first poster displays and labels the parts of a plant (the structure). The second poster explains the basic function of each part of the plant. This is perfect for Grade 4 Natural Sciences. The parts of a plant included in these posters are as follow:
- root
- stem
- leaves
- flowers
- fruits
- seeds
Grade 5

Graad 4 Natuurwetenskap & Tegnologie Kwartaal 3 Opsommings
Opgesom volgens die Platinum Handboek.
PDF formaat
Sluit in:
ONDERWERP 10: Energie & Energie-Oordrag (Bl. 109-116)
ONDERWERP 11: Energie om ons (Bl. 117-125)
ONDERWERP 12: Die Beweging van Energie in ‘n stelsel (BI. 197-135)
ONDERWERP 13: Energie & Klank (BI. 137-149)
© Juffrou Natasha se OpsommingsGrade 6

Grade 6 Natural Sciences & Technology Exam Workbook & Memo - 300 Marks
Grade 6 Planet Earth & Space The Solar System
Use this fantastic, interactive Exam Workbook to practice and learn questions and case studies on our Solar System as required for Term 4 CAPS content.
It covers the theme of planet Earth and space and provides useful questions and activities about the Sun and the eight planets. Technological means of exploring the Solar System are also included.
This workbook can be used for activities throughout Term 4. It is also excellent for review and exam preparation.
These questions can also be used for the preparation of exam papers and memoranda.
A variety of cognitive level assessments are used, including Low-, Middle- and High order questions.
What is included in this product?
- 22-Page Exam Workbooks (with 300 mar questions and activities.
- 10-Page Memorandum
- 1-Page Free Craft project – Color, cut, and glue an Astronaut
List of Activities included:
- Activity 1: The Sun in the Solar System
- Activity 2: The Sun and Planets
- Activity 3: Task: Do research about the planets
- Activity 4: Guess what Planet am I?
- Activity 5: Rotation of planets in the solar systems
- Activity 6: Model of the Earth, Moon & Sun
- Activity 7: Movement of Earth & planets in the solar system
- Activity 8: Science Definitions
- Activity 9: The distance of planets from the Sun
- Activity 10: Daytime & nighttime
- Activity 11: Movement & Characteristics of the Moon
- Activity 12: Moons of the Solar System
- Activity 13: Visibility of the Moon
- Activity 14: Draw the Moon
- Activity 15: Definitions of telescopes
- Activity 16: Optical telescopes
- Activity 17: Magnification of the surface of The Moon
- Activity 18: Case Study: South African Telescopes & SALT
- Activity 19: Case Study: The first Moon Rovers
- Activity 20: Systems to explore the Moon and Mars
- Activity 21: Planetary Rovers
- Activity 22: Case Study: Timeline of the history of rovers
- Activity 23: Design and build a cardboard rover theory (Term practical Assessment not included)
- Activity 24: The newest Rovers on Mars