Easter worksheet and activities collection

It’s time for some Easter fun! This collection has English and Afrikaans resources that can be used at school or at home during the holiday. Your learners will love the fun activities, which also encourage learning at the same time. How cool!

Easter Estimating and Counting to 10 Activity Boom™ Cards
26 Boom Cards - 13 cards require students to estimate the number of eggs and 13 cards require students to count the eggs (each following an estimation card). To make it easier, students can drag the eggs into the Easter Bunny's basket as they count.
Interactive drag and drop format
Boom Cards are self-checking and students get instant feedback!
Teacher information

EASTER Brain Breaks [Brain Gym]
30 fun, quick and easy Easter-themed activities to use as a daily warm up, to keep the students active, or to help them refocus in the middle of a class. Includes: - 30 COLOUR Brain Break Activities on Rectangular Cards I recommend printing (paper works well) and laminating. I have used these cards by placing them on ice cream sticks, which has also worked well. Currently, I have laminated the cards back-to-back and keep them in a small container. My students always jump up with excitement whenever I pick up the container. It really works! I am more then happy to edit the cards to your specific preference, so feel free to send me a message :) Please rate and provide feedback!

Easter Cards
Surprise your students with a small resizable Easter Card. Cut it out, laminate it and staple it to an Easter egg. This resource comes in 6 different colours: - Green - Pink - Orange - Purple - Red - Blue This resource is in a JPG image format which makes it easy resizable to your specifications

Herfstyd & Paasfees / Autumn & Easter
Herfstyd en Paasfees: 'n Kleurryke aktiwiteitspakket [Perseptuele take, telwerk, skryfwerk, 'n Herfsstorie] Verbind die prentjies, soek dieselfde prentjie, tel, kleur in, lees die storie of luister na die storie... Autumn and Easter: A colourful activity bundle [Perceptual activities, counting, writing...] Connect the matching pictures, find the same picture, count... [35+ p.]

12 Graad R/Graad 1 Paasfees Wiskunde en Afrikaanse Aktiwiteite
Hersien basiese konsepte tydens die Paastyd! Werskvelle is maklik om te druk en pret om te voltooi! Die 12 werksvelle sluit in: 1. My Paashaas Liggaamsdele 2. Paasfees Woordeskat identifisering 3. Voltooi die woorde (Vul die klanke in) 4. Woordsoek 5. Kreatiewe skryfstuk (2 opsies) 6. Patrone trek (2 opsies) 7. Werk die somme uit en kleur die prentjie 8. Dobbelsteen tel 9. Getallelyn spring + Verdubbel en Halveer 10. Handskrif (2 opsies) 11. Voltooi die patrone 12. Data aktiwiteit Antwoorde kan aan die einde van die dokument gevind word. Dankie vir U ondersteuning!

Paasfees Kaartjies
Verras jou leerders met 'n klein grootte veranderbare Paasfees kaartjie. Knip dit, lamineer dit en kram dit vas aan 'n lekker paaseiers. Hierdie hulpbron kom in 6 verskillende kleure: - Groen - Pienk - Oranje - Pers - Rooi - Blou Hierdie hulpbron is in 'n JPG foto formaat wat dit maklik maak om die grootte te verander tot jou spesifikasies.