Core competencies: creativity and imagination

Elevate your students’ thinking with these fun, interactive teaching resources. This collection of CBC focuses on empowering children to explore innovative solutions to problems in their environment. Allow your students to start thinking creatively about global issues and begin solving them.
Looking for more CBC resources? These collections include resources for the Competency-Based Curriculum.

Earth Day - 11 Fun Activities
Celebrate the Earth this Earth Day! This product includes 11 fun worksheets for Grade R - 3. Activities include: 1. Earth Day coloring Page (can be used as book cover) 2. Earth Day Poem 3. Word Search 4. Tree Facts (Information page) 5. Complete the maze 6. Creative Writing (Planting a tree) 7. Creative Writing (Why we should recycle) 8. Nature Walk check list 9. Creative Writing (How I will take care of the earth) 10. Color by number (Includes multiplication, addition and subtraction) 11. Sort the trash (Cut and glue activity) 4 Activities have been put into "book" form but are also available in regular size. All activities are Black and White. Thank you for your support. Feedback and reviews help me improve! Have a DAZZLING day!

Global Warming Unit Study - Printable Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans
In this exciting unit study about Global warming, Covering everything a student needs to know about Global warming. From the basic understanding of the subject to a complete overview of the subject. Included in this unit study are : Mind Map Template LapBook Template Introduction to Global warming. (Part 1 and Part 2) Greenhouse effect Reasons for concern Working to stop global warming The Search for Solutions The Kyoto Protocol

English Creative Writing 20 mark Essay Assessment - Crime Scene Theme
Creative Writing Assessment out of 20 marks with rubric included: Allow learners to let their imaginations soar as they get to choose the prime suspect of a crime scene, along with the evidence that leads to the conviction of said person. Five suspects have been brought in to the police station. The question is, who robbed the bank? Includes a visual description of how the essay is to be laid out. Editable. Microsoft Word Document.