Multilingual Resources that Celebrate Diversity

Explore our vibrant collection of multilingual resources that celebrate diversity. Learning multiple languages not only enhances cognitive abilities but also fosters holistic development. Bilingualism can improve problem-solving skills and even delay the onset of dementia. Beyond cognitive benefits, embracing different languages encourages connections with diverse cultures, fostering a global perspective.
From isiZulu and isiXhosa to English and Afrikaans, and even French and Spanish, this collection includes language resources that will take you on a journey of cognitive and cultural enrichment.
Looking for more support? On Teacha! Inspire, the “Lost in Translation” course shares 5 practical strategies to help you create an inclusive and effective learning environment for every student, regardless of their home language.

Diverse Welcome Bulletin Board with 10 languages
Are you looking for a last-minute, easy bulletin board? This is the one for you! This diverse bulletin board kit has very basic, easy to follow instructions so that you can have it up in no time at all. It includes greetings in 10 of the languages spoken in South Africa including: - Zulu - Southern Sotho - English - Afrikaans - French - isiXhosa - Arabic - German - Chichewa - Shona You can choose to print this board in colour or in black and white on coloured paper. If you don't have coloured paper, why not print in black and white and paint the letters and silhouettes yourself, or better yet, get your students involved in a fun and creative art project that will help create a classroom community. Level-Up Thinkers

Learning Languages Parent Support Poster
This 2 page printable or digital poster aims to support parents in reading with their children at home, and to know which reading strategy to use with their child. It also helps parents to ask the right questions when reading with their children to check for understanding and comprehension of the text. Questions are in English, Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

Phonological Awareness Posters
Phonological Awareness Posters These posters are a great phonological awareness resource. It guide you by showing, what a struggling reader really needs. Each poster has the phonological awareness component and an easy to understand definition. These phonological awareness poster can be use in many ways It can be displayed in your classroom. It can be a made into a flipbook to use in small groups lessons. It can given to parents as a phonological awareness resource. Related Resources Phonological and phonemic awareness cheat sheet (It a freebie) Product Details This product contains 37 pages however, there are 11 colour posters. 11 black and white posters to help save ink. 11 black and white posters two on a page. There is also 2 wall banners/ labels and a book cover in colour and black and white. The 11 phonological awareness posters included are: Phonological Awareness Word discrimination Rhyming Alliteration Syllables Onset & Rime Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Isolation Phoneme Blending Phoneme Segmentation Phoneme Manipulation - Phoneme Addition, Deletion and Substitution Let's connect Passionate about Teaching in SA
English as a Second/Foreign Language

330 ESL Worksheets
This pack will includes over 330 worksheets, ideas, quizzes, stories and lessons. It covers a number of areas in ESL language teaching including: Speaking, Listening, Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, idioms and much more. Topics & Grammar - Adverbs, Adjectives, Prepositions, Verbs, Imperatives, Jobs, Antonyms, Articles, Ask, Conditionals, Countable & Uncountable, Countries & Nationalities, Daily Routine, Directions, Do & Does, Find Someone who..., Future tense, Linkers, Meeting People, Modal verbs, Money, Past Progressive, Past tense, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Tense, Pronouns, Quantity Expressions, Questions, Second Conditional, Synonyms, Telling Time, and much more.

Learn Colloquial Expressions & Idioms In English (EFL Work Pack) 8+
Learn Colloquial Expressions, Idioms And Well Known Sayings In Informal English 'Improve Your English As A Foreign Language' Work Packs save hours of time when preparing lessons for students where English is a second language . The packs are suitable for intermediary speakers of English, who want to improve their written English. Each work pack uses our humorous comic character 'the alien Zoggy' to guide the student. They provide a fun light hearted approach to learning English (suitable for young learner of 8 years plus through to adult). The work packs help the student: To learn idioms and colloquial phrases used by fluent English speakers (which often catch the foreign speaker out) To use the right preposition after the verb To set out and write formal letters in English To expand their vocabulary for speaking and writing, by replacing boring words with more interesting words To improve their skills in English grammar Each pack includes tuition pages and follow up exercises to practice the skills learnt. By the time the student has worked through each pack, their command of English will be at a much higher standard. This work pack is taken from ‘Improve Your English As A Foreign Language’ The complete book is also listed. 21 pages Watch the video below, for a sneak peek inside this fantastic series...

IsiXhosa Pakket
Ingesluit in die IsiXhosa pakket: 64 Bladsye: A5 Plakkate 60 Bladsye: Afrikaans - IsiXhosa woorde flashcards 84 Bladsye: IsiXhosa posters Temas:
- Vrugte en Groente
- Vorms
- Wilde diere
- Plaasdiere
- Troeteldiere
- Vervoer
- Sport
- My huis
- My familie
- Kleure
- By die skool
- Klere
- Mense wat ons help
- My liggaam
- Seisoene
- Die weer
- Dae van die week
- Maande van die jaar
- Nommers 1 - 20

Preschool/Kindergarten-1st/ESL/Homeschool Resources/Hulpbronne-Bilingual 1- (Afrikaans/English).
Listening, reading and speaking activities are beneficial for your child’s development. This lesson is filled with opportunities to listen, read and speak. The lesson is perfect for bilingual classes as the whole lesson is in English and Afrikaans.
Teachers could use the lesson as part of the theme ‘Emotions” or as a reading lesson. ESL teachers could use this as it is and send the worksheets as homework.
What is included?
Pdf-Lesson 11 pages (1-Page terms of conditions).
Pdf-Flashcard 3 pages (1-Page terms of conditions).
Pdf- Worksheets 5 pages (1-Page terms of conditions).
Thank yo for your support!
Gr. 7 Afrikaans Huistaal Kwartaal 1 TAALLEER Powerpoint skyfievertoning en PDF Opsomming
Gr. 7 Afrikaans Huistaal Kwartaal 1 opsomming met pragtige leersame illustrasies. Sluit in: 62 bl Powerpoint skyfievertoning 16 bl PDF Opsomming vir eksamenvoorbereiding Onderwerpe: 1. WOORDESKAT Vokaalgroep Selfstandige Naamwoorde: Samestellings: Klankgrepe en Lettergrepe Betekenis van Woorde Spelling 2. LEESTEKENS Hoofletters, Punte en Vraagtekens Koppelteken, Uitroeptekens Deelteken, Kappie, Kommas 3. IDIOME & UITDRUKKINGS 4. BETEKENISLEER Sinonieme, Antonieme, Homofone, Homonieme, Poliseme 5. WOORDSOORTE Selfstandige Naamwoorde Byvoeglike Naamwoorde Trappe van Vergelyking Intensiewe Vorme Basisvorme, voorvoegsels en agtervoegsels Voornaamwoorde Werkwoorde, Hoofwerkwoorde & Koppelwerkwoorde 6. SINSLEER Sinsoorte Onderwerp, Gesegde en Voorwerp Sinne en Tydsvorme Geskik vir behandeling in klastyd, of vir eksamenvoorbereiding. Vir gebruik in een klaskamer en tuisgebruik. Platinum handboek as riglyn gebruik.

English Daily Language Practice
Editable Daily Language Practice for Grade 5 English Home Language This resource can easily be adapted to suit any grade level as many of the concepts are carried right through to Matric. This resource contains 10 weeks of daily language practice activities that cover all of the Language Structures and Conventions concepts for Term 3. Language concepts include: Daily dictionary work related to the themes in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Life Skills in Grade 5, Term 3 Pronouns (relative, demonstrative, personal and reflexive) Adverbs (manner, time, degree and place) Adjectives Finite verbs and Infinitives Simple and compound sentences Simple and continuous tense Proverbs Idioms Punctuation Degrees of comparison Subject - Verb agreement Abbreviation Direct and Indirect Speech Nouns (abstract, collective, proper and common) Types of sentences (question, statement, exclamation and command) Figures of speech (metaphor, simile, personification, alliteration, assonance) Gerunds Synonyms and Antonyms Homophones and Homonyms Active and Passive Voice A student answer sheet is included, where students fill in their answers and keep track of their progress using a bar graph. A memorandum is also included for each week's activities. The download is available in PDF and Microsoft Word formats for easy editing.

Ndebele Heritage Grade 7
Ndebele Heritage: Section A: Comprehension test [11] + Section B: Language in Action: Proper nouns, Adjectives, adverbs, nouns, passive voice, Vocabulary, Direct and indirect speech, verbs, Parts of speech, Tenses: Indefinite tenses, Continuous tenses, Perfect tenses, Statements, Negatives questions & Question tags. [50]

Setswana Posters number 0 - 20
A set of 21 brightly coloured Setswana number 0 - 20 posters. Includes number symbol, number name, ten frame and counting off on fingers per number. Black board background with a bright red frame. Suitable for Grades R - 3. Can be printed as flash cards or posters.

Sepedi Package Grade 2
All resources have Afrikaans and English translations. Themes: 1. At School (8 x A4) 2. My Family (5 x A4) 3. Transport (7 x A4) 4. Home Safety (6 x A4) 5. Going to the Doctor (5 x A4) 6. Wild Animals (8 x A4) 7. On the Farm (5 x A4) 8. Shopping (7 x A4) 9. Birthday Party (5 x A4) 10. Sport (5 x A4) 11. People who help (5 x A4) Resources are for personal use only – at your home or classroom. Duplication of Klein Pikkewyn’s products is against the Copyright Act.

Worksheets for Téléfrançais, Beginning French Video Series ~ Listening Practice
Looking for a way to engage beginning students in French in the language? I spent several years looking for a show that was entirely in French, but that was suitable for beginners. I found that in Téléfrançais.
Téléfrançais is a Canadian TV show designed for kids learning French. The 30 ten-minute episodes are available for free on YouTube. These worksheets help students more easily follow along, better comprehend the language of the all-French show, retain more of what they hear, and stay more focused.
--A single, black-and-white PDF file formatted for 8.5 x 11-inch paper
--A half-page worksheet for each of the 30 Téléfrançais episodes (printed two per page)
--An answer key that appears directly after each worksheet
--The worksheets are designed for native speakers of English who can read and write
--They were designed for beginning French learners who have been studying French for a few months
--Each worksheet includes around 12 questions
--Question types are primarily multiple choice, matching, and short-answer questions with 1-2 word answers
--Questions and answers are mix of French and English
--It works well to introduce Téléfrançais after a few months of French I. I started them in the second quarter of the year.
--Students should be able to read and write comfortably to use these worksheets
The French-Canadian TV show has thirty 10-minute episodes available for free on YouTube. The show is dated, but it's one of my favorite resources for teaching French. I show it to my junior high and high school French I students starting in about the second quarter. As the school year goes on, they inevitably start singing along with the theme song. They always groan when they first see Pilote. They talk about how they miss Sophie when she leaves the show. Like I said, it's dated, but it engages students and really does help them learn French. And it's free!
I made this set of worksheets to help students follow along with the show. With these worksheets, students are able to better follow the action and language. I have used them for years, and they have been a hit with other teachers as well!
This product is copyrighted to Carrie E. Gold/Blue and Gold Language. It is to be used and reproduced for your own purposes and for use with your own students only. They should not be shared (in digital or print form) for the use of others outside yourself and your own current students (for example, it cannot be shared with other teachers). The products may be repurposed for your own use or use by your own students only, with the condition that the products are not used commercially, and that they are still attributed to Carrie E. Gold/Blue and Gold Language.

Fruits flashcards and Bingos boards English and Spanish
Hello Teachers, Parents, and Students If you are trying to teach or learn Spanish or English to your students, kids, or family members with this wonderful didactic material. You can print and laminate these flashcards to practice the fruits in Spanish and English through colorful flashcards and a didactic bingo game. With this material, you will be able to learn 16 fruits in English and Spanish while having fun! This printable includes 16 flashcards and 2 bingo boards to practice the vocabulary,

Spanish Language Alphabet Printable Set ~ Boho / Neutrals / Modern ~ High-Frequency Vocabulary
Looking for Spanish-language educational decor? This item is an instant digital download in a boho / neutral color palette. It is designed to print on regular 8.5"x11" printer-sized paper, with one page for each letter in the alphabet, including ñ and ll, for a total of 28 pages. It comes to you as a zipped file of .PNG images, which offers the best colors and image quality.
Unlike other Spanish alphabet products, I chose high-frequency vocabulary from the most common 2,000 Spanish words as much as possible when making this item. The images are designed to be clear without features that would confuse their meaning, and the font was chosen to be readable even by young learners.
I taught Spanish at the middle and high school level for several years. This item is great for those levels, as well as for elementary school, preschool, or home school.
Please note, this purchase is for a digital download only. My digital downloadables are NOT editable. Variation in the colors of the posters may occur when printed, though this has to do with your monitor and the printer you use to print them.
Products from Blue And Gold Language / Carrie E. Gold are copyrighted to Carrie E. Gold. They are to be used and reproduced for your own purposes and for use with your own current students only. They should not be shared (in digital or print form) for the use of others outside yourself, including other teachers, though you may make multiple copies for your own use. The products may be repurposed for your own use or use by your own current students only, with the condition that the products are not used commercially.