Bible stories and activities

Do you need ideas for your Religious Education lessons? This collection contains colourful bible stories and activities that will help you teach students about Christianity. You’ll find several interesting resources at your fingertips, such as workbooks, stories, and posters, to make your lessons interactive and engaging.

Bible Workbook
A Bible activity workbook was created for use in a Grade 3 classroom. It can be used as a booklet for the year or as individual worksheets. Bible stories include prayer, books of the Bible, John the Baptist, Easter, Samuel, David, Daniel, and The birth of Jesus. Termly planning is included as well as passages from the Bible. The Heart of Teaching

Bible stories + Posters
25 Bible stories with pictures to colour. Included are questions about each story. 100 Pages. 25 Beautiful, colourful posters. Includes the following stories: Abraham and Sarah Daniel and the lion’s den David and king Saul David and Goliath Elijah and the prophets of Baal Esther Elisha the prophet Fishermen of Jesus Jacob and Esau Gideon Jesus turns water into wine The loaves of bread and the fish The story of Job: God can give, but also take away Joseph and his brothers Joshua and Jericho Paul and Silas Naomi and Ruth The ten plagues of Egypt The story of Lazarus The birth of Moses The good Samaritan The story of the lost coin The ten commandments The lost son Zacchaeus

Christian Bible Verse Posters
Eight Bible verse posters: Includes a poster on Gal 5: 22-23 - the fruit of the spirit, and Gal 5: 19-21 the works of the flesh; The 10 commandments - Exodus 20, and the two greatest commandments - Matt 22: 36-40; The seven things the Lord hates - Proverbs 6: 16-19, and its opposite - the 7 things God loves; Philippians 4:8 - Think on these things; and What is Love - 1 Cor. 13: 4-8. These posters could be used in a classroom, used as memory verses, worksheets etc. Foxy's Remedial