A supported teacher makes for a positive learning environment


BIC®’s Colour Your Classroom campaign is focused on empowering South African teachers in ways that simultaneously empower their students. As a leading stationery manufacturer in SA, education remains a top priority for BIC®, and that’s why its campaign prizes are dedicated to creating the optimal learning environment for both learners and educators. 

The classroom environment is one of the most important factors that affect student learning. A positive classroom environment helps improve attention, reduce anxiety, and supports emotional and behavioural regulation of students. Students who learn in a positive learning environment have been shown to be more motivated, engaged, and have a higher overall learning ability. 

Colour Your Classroom’s first prize was 1 year’s worth of free BIC® classroom resources and stationery. This giveaway was aimed at creating a more positive learning environment through the provision of stationery resources that would bring more colour, creativity, and inspiration to their classroom. Now, BIC® is offering up a personal prize centred around rewarding the leader of that space: any South African teacher can stand to win a personal cash prize of R10,000!

Teachers are the frontline workers of our educational system, and what they bring to a classroom environment on a daily basis has a direct impact on the students in that room. To put it simply, a happy teacher makes for a happier classroom. The incentive behind this R10,000 cash prize is to surprise, delight and reward a teacher. To help them not only feel acknowledged for the important work they do, but valued for it. The overall goal is to help one lucky teacher return to their class feeling energised by this support, and therefore more equipped to support their students too.   

Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it can be a leading cause of stress, and when used correctly, has been proven to directly improve a person’s emotional wellbeing. Regrettably it is no secret that the importance of a teacher’s role in South African society is not always reflected in the compensation they receive for their work. BIC® is therefore honoured to play a role in financially supporting this admirable vocation and community, even if it touches just one South African teacher’s life. 

As a cash prize, the lucky winning teacher will have the freedom to choose how they use the money. Whether the cash prize feeds back into purchases for their classroom space, or simply into the teacher’s personal needs and wants, the essence of this giveaway is to bring joy to a teacher’s life through the provision of financial support. Who could be a more worthy recipient than an educator?

All teachers are encouraged to enter and stand their chance of winning R10,000 with BIC®. All entrants must submit their details on https://bit.ly/3ntgXFz and join the BIC® Teachers Facebook group to finalise their entry. Tell all the teachers you know, and help them stand their chance to be rewarded for their work.     

Interested in winning the R10 000? Follow the two easy steps below:

Delete Confirmation

Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.