Lesson based on the video “The Story of Martin Luther King Jr.”
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Resource Description
Why is Martin Luther King’s birthday celebrated as a national holiday, and who was he? Learn how Martin Luther King Jr. transformed American culture forever by watching this incredibly educational Kids Academy film about this remarkable guy. You will learn about his battle against segregation, a legislation in the United States that prohibited individuals with different skin tones from traveling, studying, or dining together. Some individuals felt it was normal to treat Black people badly, despite the fact that slavery had been abolished over a century earlier. In order to combat this inequality, Martin Luther King began using both words and nonviolent means, and he was successful!
This lesson plan is based on the YouTube video about Martin Luther King Jr. There are various activities for your students to do before, while, and after watching the video. The lesson last 90 minutes and it is designed mostly for Elementary school students. The answer key is included at the end.