13 Reasons to Date a Teacher


Here’s a fact you might not know: teachers are actually regarded a one of the top professions to date, because we are, well, awesome! We all know teachers are the most fabulous people. Now it’s time to educate everyone else.

Although our class think we have absolutely no social life, we do. For all those teachers heading out on dates this weekend, why not send this blog to your significant other beforehand and give them a heads up on how awesome you are.

Here is a collection of a few great reasons to date a teacher.  Enjoy!

1. They are everything you want in a person and everything you wish you were

Teachers are caring, dedicated, sympathetic, loving, good decisionmakers, punctual, creative, tough under pressure, totally organized… need I continue?  You get the picture – all round awesomeness!  Imagine someone who will be patient enough to put up with all your pet insecurities and idiosyncrasies?  Now there’s a thought.

2. You’ll still have lots of “me time”

Book marking and lesson planning are very time consuming. This means that you do not need to fear missing out on downtime. You are definitely not going to be smothered.

3. Super holidays

Teachers get holidays four times a year.  So, if you have the travel bug and enjoy getting out to new places, a teacher will fit very nicely into your travel plans.

4. Teachers are selfless

Teachers are without a doubt big on giving to their learners. The great news is that this splashes over to giving to others as well. Givers are fairly selfless, and, in a relationship, this bodes well. But remember any good relationship is give and take!

5. Any gift you give will be considered amazing

Teachers are used to loads of chocolates and home-made gifts made by their little treasures.  So, you’re in their good books if you give anything that doesn’t fall into those categories.  Not too difficult, hey?

6. You’ll be in line for a steady supply of chocolate and soap

This follows on from point 5. In giving you will also receive!

7. Teachers are super creative

How many people do you know that can make 100 things out of an empty toilet paper roll? Prepare to be amazed!

8. You can confidently try out your cooking skills

Any meal that you cook that doesn’t involve letters of the alphabet, smiley faces or has more than two ingredients will be considered gourmet.

9. Teachers are not motivated by money

Teachers don’t spend a lot of money because they don’t have a lot of money. Simple. Teaching is not about the money – it’s about the joy of teaching. This is definitely the time to applaud!

10. Teachers know a lot about a lot of things

With a teacher by your side, you won’t get bored. You will learn a whole bunch of new and interesting facts which, when passed on, will make you appear interesting and knowledgeable.  “I never knew that” will be a response you will often hear in your daily conversations. A teacher will make you look good.

11. Teachers are parent-pros

Teachers are taught how to handle parents so taking us home to meet your parents will not be a nerve-wracking experience. We’ll have them eating out of our hands in no time at all.

12. You will feel famous in public

Teachers know a lot of people and no outing will be complete without bumping into several children and parents. Get ready to bask in your newfound fame.


13. You might get to see inside a school staff room

Be honest, we’ve all wondered what really goes on in there.  This will be your chance to finally find out.

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